Timemanagement gone wrong
I don’t have time for that Isn’t that one of the most used phrases of the last 5 years? And it’s still growing in popularity. People struggle all week to find a sustainable work – personal improvement...
View ArticleLoosing a loved one
I’ve always had a hard time accepting death, the only 100% truth and certainty in life. I think the thing that I find most difficult to accept is that I won’t be able to talk to that person again. Not...
View ArticleMy first real bike ride in Affligem
It’s been 5 years since I lived in Antwerp, my roots. I’ve lived on the outskirts of the big city all my life. I was used to pavement, concrete, houses and everything. And I always tried to escape the...
View ArticleThe renovation kanban
I admit, I’m taking this personal kanban (#pkflow) thing to the next level. Because we only do work around the house in the weekends and only when we’re home *duh* I decided to create a separate kanban...
View ArticleA cat’s life
You know what, I might actually come back as a cat next life. If I get to choose in which part of the world. And in which family. I’m just not sure if I want to be a male one that hurts every female...
View ArticleA bond between a boy and a Lady
To be honest, when I was little we always had dogs in the house. We had big dogs like our Saint-Bernard and our Newfoundlander that looked a bit like this. She was called Lady and was the dog that left...
View ArticlePositive reactions with a deep impact
On Tuesday around noon I received news that my unofficial aunt had had a stroke on Monday evening. She had been rushed to the hospital and they found a big clot deep inside of the brain stem. This news...
View ArticleErik vs Romanian mountains 1 – 0
I spent last weekend in the Romanian mountains in Rasnov. I arrived on Friday evening and we lost a lot of time on the drive towards the pension where we were all staying. On Saturday I facilitated the...
View ArticleManon greets the animals
After spending 95% of my time to get our new Co-Learning business launched, I took some time off with my wife and daughter Manon. We all needed to have some time together. So we decided to visit the...
View ArticlePersonal productivity from SoCraTesBE
I celebrated (part of) my birthday facilitating another SoCraTesBE open space evening session. I loved it that people actually sang for my birthday. It was awkward but I did enjoy it The last session...
View ArticleThank you for all the amazing music
On July 20 2017 Chester Bennington, singer and songwriter of Linkin Park decided that he would end his life. It struck me harder than I had expected as I didn’t really follow up on their recent music...
View ArticleProcrastination tips and tricks
I was just enjoying a bit of a lazy Sunday afternoon when I came across an interesting video by Tim Ferriss about procrastination and how to navigate it. We all suffer from it, that was a good start of...
View ArticleEarly morning run and yoga, to warm up for our trip to Pairi Daiza
It was 7:30 and I was looking for my running shoes. My leg was already a bit sore but I warmed up, started runtastic and off I went. First round around the block without walking. 1,3km is a start,...
View ArticleI am so excited: inbox zero on 3/4 mailboxes!
This evening I set myself the intent of clearing out at least 1 more of my inboxes. I already managed to bring one down to zero last week and keeping it there everyday since. This night I was able to...
View Article1 step back, trying to find the 2 steps forward
Hey y’all, Last Thursday to Friday night I got really sick in the stomach again. It had been at least 3 months since that kind of an episode. So yay! It did mess up my entire Friday planning And to be...
View ArticleToday was a glorious day
It started off with a nice family cuddle before getting out of bed and a comfortable breakfast routine (which is a lot for parents with two kids). After that I went into an early rehearsal with my band...
View ArticleYesterday was quiz night
This has been a very weird and enormously invigorating week. We were able to rehearse twice, I got to do a shit load of work and I even moved my personal kanban to it’s first digital version. More on...
View ArticleFamily weekend went great
Swimming class went really well, both our kids are making progress and are enjoying themselves. It had been a long time since I went along for the swimming class and I am glad I did. I am finding more...
View ArticleWelcome to my new journal
I just wanted to share that I am using this postache.io thingy as my new journal from now on. I’m really curious if this is going to stick but so far the experience is pretty good and light weight. I...
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