After spending 95% of my time to get our new Co-Learning business launched, I took some time off with my wife and daughter Manon. We all needed to have some time together. So we decided to visit the petting zoo in Ninove, about a 20 minute drive from where we live. The first animal we encountered was a chicken, so that wasn’t really exciting enough to hold her attention (our neighbours have 2 chickens), but the boar on the other hand was something she hadn’t seen before. It only took her about 30 seconds to get acquainted and she already wanted to pet him.
So after having spent couple of minutes playing with the boar and the other pigs that were in the cage next door, we went to visit the little goats that were inside the barn. Two little white goats that were really gentle and calm, so Manon got the opportunity to feed them some grain that was lying around.
With all the big animals around like lamas, a donkey, a pony, turkeys and lots of goats, Manon wasn’t even interested in the bunny rabbits that were also living there. Until the farmer came over to feed a couple of the animals. We hadn’t noticed yet, but the mommy rabbit had little ones only a week ago. Because there were a handful of kids running around, he took one of the little rabbits so that the kids could pet them briefly. I guess our idea to get a pair of rabbits will be appreciated by our little girl.
The conclusion for this day: we will visit that petting zoo more often in the near future. And we will go for our idea of getting some rabbits and guinea pigs in our garden. But first the contractor needs to finish our terrace.