It started off with a nice family cuddle before getting out of bed and a comfortable breakfast routine (which is a lot for parents with two kids). After that I went into an early rehearsal with my band Lir to get ready for our upcoming gig at the start of November. I am really looking forward to that one! And I enjoyed the rehearsal immensely.
Then it was off to (late) work to prepare a remote sprint refinement/planning meeting with a new team. It went really well and the team is incredibly motivated and eager to learn. I love working with people in this kind of structure and environment. It helps them to keep that motivation up and alive.
After follow-up was done, it was time to clean up my calendar and reinstate my online booking system. It is essential for this kind of remote work I’m doing right now. Let’s see how it works out for experiment number 2 with it. And sales follow-up. Quite a few new opportunities coming our way and making sure people get the information they deserve can be challenging.
Then I heard a soft “hello” coming from the staircase to indicate my family was home. Time for playing with the kids, dinner, cuddles and bed time routine. People who know me a bit, know that I can complain about our kids really naturally. Well tonight was lovely! No fighting, no shouting, just a little bit of crying which we were able to turn into laughter after a while. It was a truly enjoyable evening.
To close the evening my wife and I had some decent conversations about the choices that we want to make about some of our initiatives. We talked about finances, professional choices and priorities, our #secretproject and how to make our live more enjoyable through our choices, hard as they may be. This led to a lot of new insights and new possibilities.
And closing the evening with 2 “dates” in my agenda that were surprising. A call tomorrow about a really cool workshop we might facilitate soon and a lunch date with my friend, mentor and business partner to share some experiences of the last few week.
I do not want to call this day perfect but pretty damn close